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To browse Academia. This book "Songs and entertainment of the NEP epoch " presents to the reader the world of the entertainment and music culture that existed in Russia during NEP years in the early-to middles. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party leaders perceived the market-oriented economic policy as a form of state capitalism that was deemed necessary for the restoration of the economy ruined by World War I and the Russian Civil War. This new policy allowed private individuals to own small businesses, while the state maintained control over banks, large industrial enterprises and foreign trade. Numerous restaurants, night clubs, cabarets and theaters had opened their doors to the public and attracted performers, musicians and poets who enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves in the atmosphere that yet lacked government control and censorship.
Кулинарные рецепты Форумы. Регистрация Вход. На страницу 1 , 2 ». Полезные ссылки украшение тортов. Юленька ты просто умничка такую работу проделать. Юлия82 Юленька, спасибо тебе.
Чебоксары Шиброва Галина Сергеевна. Чебоксары, ул. Мичмана Павлова, д. Семейный праздник " Семья плюс Я — моя Семья". Семья - самое главное в жизни для каждого человека.